Sunday, July 20, 2008

LDI test the Leeroy Jenkins Strat

LDI recently tested a new war tactic. It is called the Leeroy Jenkins strat. The test ran very successfully, and we are proud to share it with everyone on LU. Its no longer top secret since it has been posted on youtube. It is a very simple strategy to implement.
First of all your Federation must plan meticulously for a long term war. You must have meetings, stockpile weapons, assign declarations, and so-on. Then one of you younger gung ho players unilaterally declares war on about 10 countries at once with no warning at all. We have found that this confusing tactic is very promising. We have tested it in other games. Here is a video of one experiment.




Nick said...

I take credit for the implementation of this strategy in Simcountry

Nick said...

wow, how did it know my

Saber said...

Saber knows all...............