Sunday, July 20, 2008


This Faq was copied from the evil Sam Houstons blog.

1. What is the Lacerta Defense Initiative and how do I get my own…..

The Lacerta Defense Initiative is a collective of soverign nations ruled by a common ideology. To serve the interests of its membership by any means neccessary. You cannot join. You are chosen. We are not for sale but can be rented for a nominal fee….

2. Why should I pick the Lacerta Defense Initiative as my Federation? What do you offer your members?

Nothing! You are chosen you twit ask again and be beaten with a rubber hose!

3. Jeeze ok I am just comparing Federations… Ok what makes your Federation better than all the others?

We dont recruit. We are a theocratic oligarchy devoted to the worship of the Pinktator and to spread his message of love and wisdom.

4. What is the message?

We devalue the ones and zeros in order to touch the humanity in each player….And to pwn them.

5. Well thats a horrible message to suscribe to. I would never join such a horrible evil organization..

Good. No one asked you.

6. Well what else do you offer your members….

We have a great dental plan and encourage sim evil in all our members.

7. How is sim evil a worthwhile pursuit for an entire Federation?

Its a game.

8. Well do you have a code of conduct? A constitution? Ranks? A training Fed? A common market? or branches?


9. Well all Feds have these things.

We are not other Feds.

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